Friday 12 July 2019

Bio Fertilizer

Students of Chemical Engineering Department prepared bio fertilizer from bio waste and Azolla  and applied to plants they cultivated.

Greenery at GEC VALSAD

GEC Valsad

GEC Valsad

GEC Valsad

GEC Valsad

Ecoclub Activities During AY: 2018-19

Celebration of World Environment Day 5th June, 2019.
Dr. B. R. Sudani, Prof. R. V. Prajapati and Prof. C. A. Tamboli with students and Sureshbhai

Dr. B. R. Sudani, Prof. R. V. Prajapti and ECOCLUB@GECV Volunteers

Dr. B. R. Sudani, Prof. R. V. Prajapati, Prof. C. A. Tamboli, Dr. Sanjay Srivastava, Prof. Rohit M. Kudtarkar, Prof. Ashish D. Modi and ECOCLUB@GECV Volunteers


Preparation of plantation at house of Dr. B. R. Sudani for the celebration



ECOCLUB@GECV Volunteers, Dr. B. R. Sudani and Prof. J. B. Patel

Prof. Rohit M. Kudtarkar

Eco-Club @ GECV Activities at a glance

One of our student volunteer Maulik Prajapati has delivered a sensitization lecture with presentation at Sanskar Bharti Institute at Surat Date:11-07-2019. around 1014 students participated in the session.

Presentation Guided by Dr. B. R. Sudani

One of our student volunteer Maulik Prajapati has delivered a Seminar with presentation at Sanskarkunj Gyanpith Institute at Surat Date:06-07-2019.

One of our student volunteer Maulik Prajapati has delivered a Seminar with presentation at Maliba Institute